Our Belgian riders were in great shape during this Arville International Eventing and showed it in the Nations Cup.
Kai-Steffen Meier's team, consisting of Lara de Liedekerke-Meier and Ducati d'Arville, Karin Donckers and Leipheimer van 't Verahof, Kris Vervaecke and Guantanamo van Alsingen and Manon Minner with Cool Dancer took the victory with a total of 119.9 points.
This is a historic victory since, to date, Belgium have never won a Nations Cup round!
Second place was for the Swedish team, made up of Malin Josefsson (Golden Midnight), Aminda Ingulfsson (Hot Cup VH), Katrin Norling (Hulliebullie) and Jonna Britse (Quattrino). Frederik Bergendorff's team totaled 135.5 points.
Germany, with Dirk Schrade (Casino 80), Anna Siemer (FRH Butts Avondale), Sophie Leube (Jadore Moi) and Christoph Wahler (Carjatan S) and team leader Hans Melzer, closed the top 3 with 188.4 points.